Calculators come in a variety of shapes and sizes with a ton of different functionalities. In the old days, you could only enter very limited information on most calculators and get very little information back.
However, today we have calculators that can perform a variety of functions, from analyzing complex equations to even plotting graphs. This is what we are going to discuss in this article.
These devices have evolved in their functionality, and modern calculators, such as the TI-84, can be used to perform difficult mathematical calculations very easily.
Graphing calculators can be used to perform a variety of quick and useful calculations.
This guide will talk about what a graphing calculator is, how it works, and how you can find the mean of certain values using this graphing calculator.
How to Find the Mean of Numbers on a Graphing Device?
In this section, we'll be talking about how a calculator, such as the TI-84, can be utilized to find the mean of a list of values. These calculators can also be used to find other useful measurements such as the standard deviation, the median, or the mode.
I'll be giving two distinct methods you can use to find the mean value of a list of numbers on the TI-84. Both of these methods are very simple to follow and allow you to find the mean of a large list of numbers almost instantly.
Let's get right into it.
Method 1
Before we explain the actual method, you need to know about the "list" feature on these calculators. This feature basically allows you to make a list of numbers that you can then perform mathematical operations on.
The list feature is very convenient for operating on a large number of values simultaneously. Plus, we'll be using this feature in order to calculate the mean of a list of values, so it is important that you familiarize yourself with the stat button and the list feature.

The steps to calculate the mean are as follows:
1. Press the "stat" button on your TI-84 calculator to create a list.
2. Once that is done, go to the "edit" mode and press either the "1" button or the enter button on your calculator.
3. Next, enter the numbers you want to find the mean of in your list. This is where you're setting the process up. You can choose to calculate the mean of a large list of numbers if you wish to do so.
4. Once you've entered all the numbers you want into your list, you should press the stat key again to open the menu you had opened before. From there, use the calculator's right arrow and go to the "Calc" option on the calculator. Press the “calc” button.
5. Once you've pressed the “calc” button, you'll see a list of options on the screen. Each of these options has a different purpose and function. You have to choose the first option on the screen that says "1-var stats.”
6. Pressing "1-var stats" will then show you a number of properties on the screen. The properties relate to the list and various operations performed on the list.
7. The screen will show you the mean of the numbers in the list, the standard deviation, the median, and more. This is a very convenient feature since it shows you a list of the most useful operations performed on your data.
This is the first method if you want to calculate the mean on a calculator like the TI-84. It is systematic, precise, and operates directly on the list of numbers that you entered.
Method 2
Now, let's move on to the second method for calculating the mean of a list of numbers on a TI-84 calculator.
This method is a bit shorter than the previous method used to calculate the mean of a list of numbers.
1. First, press the “2nd” button on your calculator. Then, press the "stat" button on your calculator. From there, go to the section titled "math.” This is where all the action happens.
2. Next, you should enter the list that you want to calculate the mean for. Once you enter all the numbers you want to calculate the mean for, you’ll have your list.
3. After entering the complete list of numbers, press the "3" button on your calculator. When you press the "3" button, the mean bracket will appear on the calculator screen.
4. Once you see the mean bracket, press the “2nd” button to enter your list in the mean bracket. Then, finally, press the “1” key to finalize the process. The mean of your list of numbers will show up on the screen.
Why Have a Calculator That Can Graph?
For students, calculators have been an essential accessory since grade school.
A sophisticated extension to simple calculators is a scientific calculator or graphing calculator. They help students understand and solve mathematical problems by learning new concepts.
One of the best calculators for graphs is the TI-84 plus. So far, we’ve explored the process of finding the mean of a list of numbers using the TI-84 calculator through two different methods.
With this in mind, let us address why you should own a calculator that can graph.
For one, you’ll have a ton of variety with an advanced calculator like this. You’re no longer restricted to the mundane mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and a few basic trigonometry functions.
You can employ a variety of mathematical techniques on your data. You can perform derivation and integration, solve simultaneous equations, multiply matrices, and a ton of other stuff.
You can easily get answers to long and complicated equations without having to sit down and solve them yourself. This saves a lot of time and effort, which is one of the best advantages of such calculators.
Students can use these calculators when solving difficult mathematical equations to check their answers. Engineers can utilize them when calculating various elements of data or when multiplying matrices. These calculators are very vast in their operation and their usability.
The biggest advantage of these calculators, however, is that you can make graphs on them! You can enter the x-coordinates and y-coordinates for the graph you want to plot, and the calculator will take into account the sample size and plot the graph you want.
How is a calculator that graphs distinct from other calculators?
Graphing calculators can do all the same functions you can perform on a technical calculator, but it can do some additional operations as well.
You will also use a calculator that can graph to multiply matrices, solve simultaneous equations, locate integrals and derivatives of equations, and do a number of other functions in addition to being able to create graphs from equations.
How long do the graphing calculator batteries last?
The batteries of a standard graphing calculator are designed to last three years with daily use. This means that you can use it for a very long time without having to worry about the battery dying on you.
Also, there are certain varieties of calculators that come with rechargeable batteries, so you can opt for those depending on what appeals to you.
How do you know if you're low on your battery?
In the upper right corner of the device, the battery life of a graphing calculator is given. It constantly updates you as to how much battery life you have left. If your calculator's screen isn't working properly, it's probably because the battery is low.
If the screen abruptly dims or if you see the screen flickering a lot, it's probably time to change your calculator's battery or change your calculator and get a new one.
Can you use a graphing calculator during ACTs or SATs?
For both ACTs and SATs, graphing calculators are approved for the math portion. You can take these calculators with you and use them during the examination.
Can I find other mathematical values of a list of numbers other than the mean value of the list?
Yes, definitely. You can find several values other than the mean value of a list of numbers. Depending on the type of data you have, you can calculate a lot of things other than the X-bar (mean).
You can find the standard deviation, the mode, the median, the normal distribution, and a lot of other helpful information.
Can I find the mean on other calculators like the TI-84?
In general, yes. Most calculators that can graph also give you the option to find the mean of a list of numbers as well.
These calculators come with a lot of different functions to employ. They allow you to find the mean, the median, and lots of other values as well.
All in all, this is a very useful investment if you want to save time on calculating equations, plotting graphs, solving integrals, and other mathematical queries.
If there's a simpler, time-efficient way to do this stuff, why not go for it?
Are these calculators very difficult to use?
They may require some getting used to, but in general, they are not very difficult to use.
There are certain functions and perks that these calculators offer that you may have to get used to. It'll take a bit of time to get familiar with the different buttons, modes, and functions on display.
However, these calculators are not made to be very difficult to use. You can get the hang of them with a little practice, care, and effort.
If you need more help, you should definitely check out some YouTube videos, guides, or articles on how to properly use and care for your graphing calculator.
You'll find that getting used to these calculators isn't that difficult. You can learn the basic functionality in a few attempts. After that, you can read specific guides on specific functions to learn the different things you can do on these calculators.
Can a TI-89 calculator help me with an elementary statistics course?
There are lots of ways a TI-84 and a Ti-89 calculator can help you with an elementary statistics course. You'll be involved with a lot of mathematics, a lot of probability and statistics, and a lot of other complicated concepts in the domain of statistics.
If you're looking to get a calculator for that specific course, a graphing calculator will be a good choice. It has many useful benefits.
In general, calculators are one of the most useful and widely used tools out there. They are used for a variety of purposes and by a variety of people.
You'll find them being consistently used by students at schools and colleges, by architects, by vendors, by businessmen, and virtually all sectors of society.
This article was meant as an introduction point to what graph-based calculators are, why you should have them, and how you can calculate the mean of a list of numbers using calculators like the TI-84.
We also added an FAQ section at the end for further clarity. We hope this guide helped you better understand how easy it is to use these calculators and how simple it is to perform large, complicated mathematical calculations in just a few seconds.
We hope this article helped you learn more about these calculators and why they're such an asset to modern mathematics. Hopefully, you'll have a great time exploring them and their functions.